A 69-year-old woman was hospitalized to the hematology department of the hospital with complaints of severe headache, weakness in the muscles of the lower extremities, unsteady gait, sleep disturbances, and anxiety. Previously, the patient had been treated by a hematologist, but something went wrong. Perhaps we witnessed a medical error, the results of which still need to be overcome. Will you be able to help the patient feel better?
The purpose of the training is to acquaint the users of the platform with the diagnosis of the particular hematological nosology, the choice of the first line of treatment and risk stratification, making the correct diagnosis and choosement of treatment in the patients with relapse at the inpatient stage with the selection of the second line of treatment.
Yulia Malysheva
HematologistHematologist, “Avicena” clinic, Cherkasy (Ukraine)
Preparation of a description of a clinical case,
development hematological patients counseling recommendations and nosology description,
preparation of nosology description, preparation
imaging by clinical case
Dmytro Hamov
Hematologisthematologist of the regional hospital Cherkasy (Ukraine)
review of clinical case materials,
review of the hematological patients counseling recommendations and nosology description,
Competencies that will be acquired during the training
- Determination of typical complaints and symptoms of a particular hematological pathology;
- History collection;
- Analysis of the patient’s outpatient chart
- Retrospective analysis of the diagnosis and treatment of the patient and review of the results of tests;
- Patient risk stratification;
- Physical examination of the patient;
- Neurological examination of the patient;
- Appointment of additional diagnostic tests;
- Assessment of laboratory and diagnostic tests;
- MRI assessment;
- Making a primary diagnosis;
- Carrying out differential diagnosis;
- Making a clinical diagnosis;
- Review of clinical guidelines and prescribing therapy.