Corporate training: relevance and benefits

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Corporate training enables any company to quickly and efficiently train new employees, improve the qualifications of specialists, structure and systematize their knowledge, and improve practical skills.

Corporate training is a process of improving the qualifications of company employees, acquiring new knowledge and skills, which contributes to increasing the efficiency of the work of each individual specialist, as well as the company as a whole.

“Train people well enough so they can leave, treat them well enough, so they don’t want to” Richard Branson

In addition to such advantages as gaining knowledge, experience, professional growth, and increasing competence, employees also get a sense of being cared for as individuals, they understand their necessity for the organization and so they do not have a desire to leave it but instead, continuing to develop and benefit the company.

The relevance of corporate training

One of the most important conditions for the success of any organization is the high qualifications of its employees. Therefore, sooner or later, the question of employee training arises in any company. Leading organizations, acknowledging the importance of personnel development, increasing the professional competence of employees, and teaching them specific knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for professional activities in the workplace, now use the corporate training system.

Modern progress and dynamic external environment also affect the education system, presenting new demands to it, hence requiring new forms of education. Today, beating academic knowledge, the result-oriented “useful knowledge” is in first place. The skills acquired in an educational institution are not enough. Secondary technical and higher education is not always a guarantee of competence and high-quality professional activity. Then corporate training comes to the rescue.

Forms of corporate training

When choosing a form of corporate training, it is important to focus on the one that is more consistent with the goals of training, since any form has its own pros and cons.

Depending on the student’s involvement, active learning (trainings, simulators, internships, business games) and passive (webinars, seminars, lectures) are distinguished.

Corporate training can be done once – for solving a specific problem, or it can be systematic, if required by the specialist’s field of activity.

The format of the organization of corporate training can be full-time – on-site or directly at the workplace, as well as remote – part-time or distance.

Distance corporate training

Distance corporate training of personnel is becoming more and more popular due to a number of advantages, such as the possibility of on-the-job training, relatively low cost, ease of organization, and learning at a convenient pace anywhere.

Remote learning is not necessarily an online meeting format as many imagine. Online education can be either synchronous, in which all students participate simultaneously, or asynchronous – not tied to a specific time. A mixed learning model is also possible, including elements of synchronous and asynchronous.

Thanks to the distance form of training, the company has the opportunity to conduct quick and effective training of personnel, while saving finances. Therefore, modern electronic and network technologies for training their employees are used by both the largest corporations with a worldwide reputation and small companies striving to distribute the budget economically and wisely.

Often, in the form of distance learning, there are elements of the game – gamification, which allow training sessions to be not only as useful as possible, but also interesting.

Online courses usually include a variety of visual and reference materials and provide feedback from trainers and trainees.

Who conducts corporate training

The decision on the need for corporate training, on its participants, as well as on the form in which the training process will be organized, depending on the goals and objectives, is usually taken by the organization’s management.

To train employees and improve their qualifications, the company can use the services of both a full-time trainer and third-party organizations.

When attracting external resources, a company can choose a contractor in accordance with basic requests, based on the price and quality of services, the experience and professionalism of the specialists offering their services. When choosing online training, the company has the opportunity to save its budget, since in order to organize training, it is enough to provide employees with the technical ability to complete it and then pay for access to the courses.

Corporate training for healthcare professionals

Almost any activity requires learning new information. In the field of medicine, constant professional development of specialists is a prerequisite. In addition, for high-quality work at a high level, medical workers need to constantly improve and keep abreast of new trends, technologies and techniques.

Corporate training is important for professionals pursuing postgraduate education and continuous professional development.

Corporate training of medical workers gives an understanding of how to act correctly in a given situation and apply the knowledge gained in practice.

For corporate training of medical personnel, the distance form is also relevant, which involves the transfer of the necessary concise information on the topic, without empty descriptions, while covering all of the most important.

Corporate training in the “ClinCaseQuest” simulation training platform

The ClinCaseQuest electronic platform for simulation training provides all the benefits of distance learning for healthcare professionals. The ClinCaseQuest educational base includes simulation trainings, in which, in addition to theoretical material, visualization methods, interactive simulators, video and audio materials, tests, step-by-step solution of clinical problems, mandatory practical examples, assessment of learning progress, and verification of acquired knowledge are widely used. There is a possibility of simultaneous training of several employees, the choice of a course subject that suits the doctor’s specialization.

Remote access allows for on-the-job training and flexible training schedule. You can evaluate the advantages of corporate distance learning by registering in the ClinCaseQuest simulation training platform.

Read also:

The Project «The Global electronic database of clinical case scenarios “ClinCaseQuest””

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