Checklist – Counseling “Explain a bone marrow aspiration”

Introduces and identifies patient1
Gains consent1
Checks patients understanding for reason for Bone Marrow Aspiration2
Check’s patients understanding of the procedure1
Preparation: Taken in as a day case1
Procedure: Takes 10 minutes. You are laid on your back and given a local anaesthetic which is make it less sore. They tunnel a needle into you pelvis bone and suck out some cells. Then given a dressing over the site.3
Post-procedure: Apply pressure over site for 5 minutes. Given pain medication. Will be sore for 2-3 days2
Risks and complications 
Very safe procedure. Bleeding may occur2
Pain is the main problem post procedure1
Any questions1
Alleviate fears1
Offer further information source1
Gave information in chunks and tested understanding1

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