The Statin-Associated Muscle Symptom Clinical Index (SAMS-CI)

Regional distribution or pattern:
Symmetric hip flexors or thigh aches
Symmetric calf aches
Symmetric upper proximal aches
Nonspecific asymmetric, intermittent

Temporal pattern:
Symptoms onset < 4 weeks
Symptoms onset 4-12 weeks
Symptoms onset >12 weeks

Improves upon withdrawal (< 2 weeks)
Improves upon withdrawal (2-4 weeks)
Does not improve upon withdrawal (> 4 weeks)

Same symptoms reoccur upon rechallenge < 4 weeks
Same symptoms reoccur upon rechallenge 4-12 weeks

Score Range of points Statin myalgia clinical index score
0 0 0

Determination of the clinical index of statin-associated muscle symptoms

Clinical symptoms (new or increased unexplained muscle symptoms)Points
Regional distribution/pattern 
Symmetric hip flexors/thigh aches3
Symmetric calf aches2
Symmetric upper proximal aches2
Nonspecific asymmetric, intermittent1
Temporal pattern 
Symptoms onset <4 weeks3
Symptoms onset 4-12 weeks2
Symptoms onset >12 weeks1
Improves upon withdrawal (<2 weeks)2
Improves upon withdrawal (2-4 weeks)1
Does not improve upon withdrawal (>4 weeks)0
Same symptoms reoccur upon rechallenge <4 weeks3
Same symptoms reoccur upon rechallenge 4-12 weeks1
Statin myalgia clinical index score  

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The Statin-Associated Muscle Symptom Clinical Index (SAMS-CI): Revision for Clinical Use, Content Validation, and Inter-rater Reliability.Rosenson RS, Miller K, Bayliss M, Sanchez RJ, Baccara-Dinet MT, Chibedi-De-Roche D, Taylor B, Khan I, Manvelian G, White M, Jacobson TA.Cardiovasc Drugs Ther. 2017 Apr;31(2):179-186. doi: 10.1007/s10557-017-6723-4.PMID: 28421332

Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) Online Calculator

Charlson Comorbidity Index predicts 10-year survival in patients with multiple comorbidities.


History of definite or probable MI (EKG changes and/or enzyme changes)

Exertional or paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea and has responded to digitalis, diuretics, or afterload reducing agents

Intermittent claudication or past bypass for chronic arterial insufficiency, history of gangrene or acute arterial insufficiency, or untreated thoracic or abdominal aneurysm (≥6 cm)

History of a cerebrovascular accident with minor or no residua and transient ischemic attacks

Chronic cognitive deficit

Any history of treatment for ulcer disease or history of ulcer bleeding

Severe = cirrhosis and portal hypertension with variceal bleeding history, moderate = cirrhosis and portal hypertension but no variceal bleeding history, mild = chronic hepatitis (or cirrhosis without portal hypertension)

Severe = on dialysis, status post kidney transplant, uremia, moderate = creatinine >3 mg/dL (0.27 mmol/L)

* Required
VariablePointsAge <50…
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Multiple Myeloma Diagnostic Criteria – Online Calculator


≥1 of the following (A or B)

≥1 myeloma defining event (C1 or C2)

* Required
For Multiple Myeloma Diagnostic Criteria assessment necessary to provide selection of the…
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