4-Level Pulmonary Embolism Clinical Probability Score (4PEPS) online calculator

4-level clinical probability score (4PEPS) is intended to help ED physicians make decisions regarding patients suspected of PE.

NB! The timing of vital sign values was not formally assessed by this study; clinician judgment to assess which vital sign should be used for the 4PEPS score.


Surgery, lower limb plaster cast, or bedridden >3 days for acute medical condition within the last four weeks

* Required
Age (years)<50-2
Chronic Respiratory DiseaseNo0
Heart Rate <80No0
Chest Pain AND Acute dyspnoeaNo0
Current estrogen useNo0
Prior History of VTENo0
Immobility within the last four weeks Surgery, lower limb plaster cast, or bedridden >3 days for acute medical condition within the last four weeks  No0
O2 saturation <95%No0
Calf pain and/or unilateral lower limb edemaNo0
PE is the most likely diagnosisNo0


4PEPS Score for PEClinical probability of PEPE diagnosis
<0Very low Clinical Pre-test Probability  (<2%)PE can be ruled out
0-5Low Clinical Pre-test Probability (2-20%)PE can be ruled out if D-dimer level <1.0 μg/mL
6-12Moderate Clinical Pre-test Probability (20-65%)PE can be ruled out if D-dimer level <0.5 μg/mL OR <(age x 0.01) μg/mL
≥13High Clinical Pre-test Probability (>65%)PE cannot be ruled out without imaging testing

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  1. Roy P, Friou E, Germeau B, et al. Derivation and Validation of a 4-Level Clinical Pretest Probability Score for Suspected Pulmonary Embolism to Safely Decrease Imaging Testing. JAMA Cardiol. 2021;6(6):669–677. doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2021.0064
  2. Roy P, Friou E, Germeau B, et al. Derivation and Validation of a 4-Level Clinical Pretest Probability Score for Suspected Pulmonary Embolism to Safely Decrease Imaging Testing. JAMA Cardiol. 2021;6(6):669–677. doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2021.0064

Interactive OSCE Checklist – Counseling a Patient with an increased INR level


• Opening the consultation

• Ideas, concerns, complications and expectations

• Analysis of earlier, current INR results, apropriate INR target range and current warfarin dosing

• Analysis of the factors that may affect the increased INR level

• Providing medical care to the patient if necessary

• Bleeding whilst taking warfarin

• How to take warfarin

• Tips for further warfarin dosing according to the analysis of the reasons that led to the INR levels increase

• Lifestyle advice

• Yellow booklets and alert card

• Closing the consultation

• Key communication skills

• Key clinical skills

Total: 0 / 50
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