How to Join the Medical Communities of the Platform

How to join the medical communities of the “ClinCaseQuest” simulation learning platform? Log in to the Platform with your login and password.

Next, on the Platform’s medical community page, select your desired community and submit a request to join.

You can join the Platform’s medical community from the community page or directly from the page of your chosen group.

If the community is open, you can join the group yourself, without sending a request.

Community administrators and moderators will approve your request and you will receive full access to the community. You will receive an E-mail immediately and you will be able to visit this group by following the link. Also, on the Platform in the “Notification” tab you will receive a notification approving your admission request: “Group membership confirmed.”

So you can join this community and communicate freely with colleagues. So join the medical communities of the Platform in your speciality right now!

We are waiting for each of you in our medical communities to learn, share experiences, communicate and help each other.

Register on our website right now to have access to more learning materials!


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User registration

  • Use only Latin letters and numbers.

  • Strength indicator

    Password at least 12 characters, uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols like! "? $ ^ &