Quick Access Menu

The Quick Access Menu was created by us for the convenience of Platform users and quick access to important information. You can deploy the shortcut menu as it is convenient for you to view important data.

The shortcut menu is not displayed if you are not logged in to the Platform, i.e. you did not log in to the Platform with your login and password.

Only after logging in the shortcut menu becomes available for viewing on the sidebar of the website in the browser. If you connect to the Platform from a mobile phone browser, the shortcut menu will be located on the sidebar in the “Menu” tab below the main menu of the site.

From the shortcut menu you can get the following information:

  • Your account, which contains information about your learning activity on the Platform.
  • Your trainings, which you are enrolled in and in which you are trained.
  • Your achievements (these are the competencies you gained while studying on the Platform).
  • Your grades and progress in completing certain training courses.
  • Your certificates that you received while learning on the Platform which you can always print out.
  • Colleagues, i.e. all users registered on the Platform network.
  • Platform communities in which doctors gather by specialities for easy communication.
  • Platform news feed, which contains information about all updates on the Platform’s website.

Please do not forget to use the shortcut menu for the convenience of your training in the simulation training platform.

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User registration

  • Use only Latin letters and numbers.

  • Strength indicator

    Password at least 12 characters, uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols like! "? $ ^ &