I have an idea! I need it! I want to learn!

Dear users of the simulation training platform! We are very grateful to you for the feedback you left us during simulation training!

Usually, one of the obligatory items of the forms you filled in along with the evaluation of the training and tips for their improvement was your wishes on the topics and nosologies of clinical situations that you would be interested in as simulation training. We always analyze your feedback in detail and implement your wishes as simulation locations of different training courses, interactive clinical cases, simulators of clinical cases. But it should be noted that this process was not structured.

Finally, we decided to bring order to this important aspect of our interaction, and be able to structure your needs, ideas, wishes so that we can be more useful, effective, and interesting for you, and our interaction will have more quality and constructive.

Therefore, we have created a feedback form for you, through which you can freely express your opinion on the content development of the simulation training platform in accordance with your needs in the workplace.

Thank you so much for our join development, for your feedback that inspires us! We can be even more effective for you now!

I have an idea! I need it! I want to learn!

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